Monday Power Up Challenge

Today’s Power Up Challenge is to encourage other faculty to subscribe to the Faculty Learning Corner (FLC) blog. You will need to create a persuasive promotional video that effectively endorses the Faculty Learning Corner. Be serious, give examples, be sincere, be funny– we don’t care, as long as it gets results!

You can use any device and software (Spark, Animoto, iMovie, VideoMaker, iPads, tablets, smart phones, video cameras) to create your movie.

Upload your finished movie to YouTube (if you don’t have an account, create one!) and place the link into the submission area for your Power Up Challenge.

Bonus Points: Earn 10 bonus points if your video persuades a colleague to subscribe to the FLC blog. You will need to email us the name of the person(s) you persuaded. Points will be awarded when the subscription is confirmed.

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